Sunday 17 October 2010

Papergirl Manchester!!! Talk about throwing myself in at the deep end!!!

I am so excited about this opportunity!!! I hope it is all doable... Papergirl is a project created by Aisha Ronniger that distributes rolled up art for free by bicycle to passers by. They previously worked in Berlin and are making there debut in the U.K. in Manchester. I have seen video's of them at work on the streets of Berlin and got such an incredible feeling from it.

I added her as a friend on face book and when she said she needed people to film and take photographs I without thinking said "I will! with bells on!"

She e-mailed me back saying that would be great! and that it is next weekend am I available? she sent me links to some other video's they have had made and said I could choose which ever style I wanted to.

I have very minimal knowledge of the use a video camera so will have to ask Matt if he can give me a crash course. I also know that I will need to do a certain amount of planning.. I will also speak with Sharon and ask her if she can give me a run through of basic planning steps one might take before filming an outdoor event like this...

I have no money at all at the moment so getting there and back with equipment is going to need sorting... I am working on it though because I REALLY want to do this...

I have spoken to some friends who may be able to help out with one day getting there and back. They have a van and they also have a tricycle so they could help with distribution too..

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