Monday 8 November 2010

Cherry kino, East street arts, Patrick studios, Mare's Tail.

Cherry Kino.

Went to see a film as part of the Leeds film festival this Sunday at Patrick studios with Georgina Beaumont. The people there were lovely and we got shown the D.I.Y. film lab for the super 8 and 16mm cameras. Something else I know nothing about but it all looked very impressive. She showed us a camera that was 60 years old and in perfect working order. (similar to the one above) Apparently for £40 a month you can go and use the room and the equipment. Something worth remembering for the future. I had wanted to experiment with the older cameras. I am not sure about how environmentally friendly they are though as there was also chemicals involved in the developing. Will look into it.

The room was warm and cozy with tables and chairs, settees and futon mattresses on the floor and candles burning on the table. We got a glass of wine and made ourselves comfortable.

Mare's tail.

The film was over three reels. I have never seen a film like this before. The guy was clearly very liberal and when I found out it was made in the sixties it all made sense! I did actually end up enjoying it as well. At first I said to Georgina "oh god I hope it's not all 'arty' noise and squiggles", which the first reel was pretty much, but I ended up enjoying the drifting fluidity of it. The second two reels had much more recognisable visual imagery on and a little spoken word. Unfortunately the spoken word was difficult to make out.
It made me think that it is o.k. to experiment and not to necessarily have a tangible story line with a beginning, middle, and end or a point to it.

The thing I loved most was the sound of the film going round in the back of the room :)

There is another one at college on Tuesday eve 6-8pm 'My love has an exquisite corpse' that I will attend. There are meant to be books handed out that the lady at Patrick studios had made up that explain the cameras and editing in more detail.

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